Enhancing the Ethics of Information Use in the Digital Age a Case Study at King Abdul-Aziz University
In the era of digital technology, the ethics of information usage has become a crucial issue, as information can be used positively or negatively. At King Abdul-Aziz University, researchers have found that protecting digital content and intellectual property rights can be achieved through the use of digital technologies, such as data encryption and access control techniques. The awareness of university staff regarding the culture of promoting information ethics was measured, and deficiencies in this area were identified. Based on these findings, recommendations have been formulated to enhance information ethics at the university and raise awareness among its staff about the importance of information ethics and how to apply them in their daily practices. The university's information ethics and intellectual property rights policies are clearly and comprehensively disseminated. Encouragement is given to university staff to participate in activities and events that contribute to the promotion of information ethics. These recommendations aim to protect the university's data and information content from falsification or intellectual property theft, fulfil the university's role in the field of information ethics at the local and international levels, and effectively generate income from digital content.
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