Knowledge Management Technologies Applications at Saudi Aramco Company – Information Technology Department (Case Study)
The present study aims to determine the technologies that currently used in knowledge management applications in Information Technology Department at Saudi Aramco Company through highlighting two important aspects. The first aspect concern the degree of use, while the second aspect focuses on the effectiveness of these systems use in terms of comprehensiveness of the information provided, flexibility of information, accuracy of the information, clarity of the information, and the timely access to information. A questionnaire has been used as tool to collect information for the point of view of Information Technology Department employees at Saudi Aramco Company about the extent of their use of knowledge management technologies and the degree of effectiveness. The study results revealed that there were fifteen related knowledge management system technologies available to Information Technology Department at, Saudi Aramco Company, systems related to knowledge elicitation or case-based reasoning such as online training system (e-Learning) or remedy incident management system were most widely used. While systems related to office automation such as (Lync / SKYPE) or expert systems such as network engineering systems were less widely used. Finally, with regard to the effectiveness of the systems came mostly as highly effective or average.
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