Online Shopping Adoption in Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Research

Mohammad Yamin, Osama O. Al Harbi


Proliferation of Web 2.0 and its associated technologies has provided manyincentives and opportunities to the firms as well as the consumers. This has tremendouslyaffected the attitudes of people about many aspects of our life, especially the way we shop.The online shopping has occupied a large portion of the traditional way of buying goods andservices. The online mode of shopping is undoubtedly an ideal way for those with disabilitieswith a limitation of walking and communication. But it seems that the online is also apreferred mode of shopping amongst the working middle class. The aim of this article is toanalyze and report the behaviors of the Saudi Arabian consumers towards the onlineshopping in the Makkah region. Our study also attempts to understand the relationshipbetween demographic variables and online shopping adoption. Here, we also explore riskfactors influencing Saudi Arabian consumers towards online shopping.


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