Mobile Applications and Customers Satisfaction in Saudi Electricity Company

Mohammad Yamin, Saad A Al Amri


Mobile applications, also known as smartphone applications are currently in arevolutionary phase and are a major source of innovation in the field of business andcommunications. The resulting advances in the field of communications are having profoundimpact on our social and cultural behaviour. This revolution is global and Saudi Arabia,which is the focus of our study, is not an exception. Nowadays, many companies in SaudiArabia are using mobile applications to communicate with their customers. One of thesecompanies namely, the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) has recently established aninteresting mobile application, called Alkahraba. In this article, we shall analyse the design,usefulness, effectiveness, quality and impact of the Alkagraba mobile application on the SECcustomers. The analysis will be based on academic texts and surveys of SEC customers,through which we will demonstrate direct correlation between the applicationdesign/service/quality/feedback, and customer satisfaction. We hope that this research wouldguide SEC to improve and further enhance their mobile application offering, which wouldresult in greater customer satisfaction and ultimately benefitting the company.


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