Study and measurement of International Competitiveness of Republic of Moldova

Corneliu Gutu


The present paper studied the issues of increasing the competitiveness of specific countries within the context of the post-crisis period. Among the best known and mostly used models is the one from the World Economic Forum. Furthermore this model helped determine the competitiveness factors and identify the most important of them. The countries of Eastern and Central Europe, the same as Republic of Moldova, and the data for 2010-2013 were chosen for the analysis. On one hand it analyses the econometric dependence of the competitiveness and the dynamics of macroeconomic factors associated with economic growth and standards of living, economic structure, the openness and innovativeness of the economy, as well as the extent and forms of state regulation of the economy, the level of transparency and efficiency of the state apparatus. Thus the accumulated experience in enhancing the competitiveness will definitely be useful to other countries, including the Republic of Moldova, which will go through all the stages of European integration in the foreseeable future.


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