Advancing English as a Foreign Language Teacher Education in Palestine: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature

Manal Hamarsha, Aseel Halabi


This study aimed to focus on promoting English as a foreign language for teacher education. To understand this topic further, a detailed evaluation of the literature was performed. The assessment discusses the main issues faced by English language education in Palestine, as well as the measures that have been implemented to address them. Where it turned out that one of the most important obstacles facing teaching English in Palestine is the lack of skilled teachers. There are a limited number of English language instructors in the country, and many of them lack the basic skills and training to teach the language properly. This affected the quality of English language teaching in Palestine.

Another issue is the scarcity of English language teaching resources. Palestinian schools often lack the textbooks, tools and technology needed to properly teach English. This makes it difficult for teachers to design compelling and effective classrooms, which can have an impact on student motivation and learning outcomes. Despite these obstacles, several projects have been launched in Palestine to promote the teaching of English as a foreign language. They include teacher training programs, the creation of new teaching materials and tools, and the incorporation of technology into English language teaching. Furthermore, there is a growing focus on the importance of English language education in promoting peace and intercultural understanding in Palestine. As a result, new teaching methods have emerged that highlight the need to develop relationships and facilitate communication across diverse cultures.


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