Social anxiety among Iraqi students studying in Ukrainian universities and its relationship with some variables

Eman Altaie


The current research aims to identify:

1- degree of social concern in the sense of Iraqi students studying in Ukraine.

2- find  about the significance of the differences in the social concern of the Iraqi students studying in Ukraine according to the city's variable. (capital city) (other cities)

3- find  about the significance of the differences in the social concern of the Iraqi students studying in Ukraine in accordance with the time he spent in Ukraine variable. (One year or less) (more than one year)

4- find  about the significance of the differences in the social concern of the Iraqi students studying in Ukraine in accordance with the variable arranged between the brothers. (First) (Middle) (Last)

The results showed that the sample suffering from social anxiety and there is no difference between the students studying in the capital, universities and universities in other cities ... The results also showed no statistically significant differences between students differences depending on the duration of their stay in Ukraine in the dimensions of social anxiety and the total score for him and there are no statistically significant differences in the areas of social anxiety according to the order   Sequence of Birth. Find out and a number of recommendations and proposals.


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