Sustainable energy in urban development (SEUP): A guide to application and incentives of green buildings in Jordan: Economic point of view
This increase in public spending on energy production has placed an additional burden on the Jordanian economy, and the average tax payer has felt the impact, as the cost of producing this energy is transferred onto the national budget. Thus, we have arrived at an unsustainable level of growth that threatens the survivability of future generations living in Jordan. Shrinking the energy gap will be a much more manageable problem if we tackle it in two ways. First increase domestic energy production. Energy production presents its own unique challenges, as it is dependent on what resources Jordan has, whether renewable or fossilized, and the economic feasibility of utilizing those resources. Second, more efficiently use the energy currently available, as reducing the demand is not possible without negatively affecting growth.
Efficient use lies in social awareness, and supportive government regulations. As a socially aware consumer will make choices that a more aligned with reducing energy use, and government regulation will drive the economy towards an energy conscience market. The methods used to gain insight and data to support these options will be compromised of studies provided by the Department of Statics, research, and data available on the market, such as price of oil, land, labor, and equipment used in building energy infrastructure. The significance of the options used to reduce energy gaps and the data used to support the options is they form a general policy available to any governmental organization, particularly ministries, to utilize them in any manner they see fit.
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