Optimization of Response and Stability of DC Motor UsingTachometer and Amplifier

P M Ilius, P M Rakibul, M Z Heider, M S Hossain


Controlling of speed, to obtain more smooth and steady operation of a system, has become important which has been represented in this paper. The main aim is to improve the response of DC motor, has been analyzed using tachometer feedback system with amplifier. A potentiometer is used as a feedback system to obtain desired response of motor optimizing it with respect to rise time (tr), peak time (tp), settling time (ts), steady state time (tss) and percentage overshoot (%OS). Using Routh’s stability criterion, critical value of tachometer constant has been calculated for a DC motor, estimating values of different parameters of the motor within a suitable range in accordance with the amplifier gain which is connected to the motor. After that performance of the system is observed using step input and stability of the system is analyzed using Nyquist stability criterion and Root locus method for corresponding parameter’s values. Close loop transfer function is used for observing the performance of the motor with respect to rotor angle. To simulate the system for analysis the performance of the motor with respect to rise time, peak time, settling time, steady state time and percentage overshoot, MATLAB has been used throughout the work.


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